Khalil Najafi maintains an active research program in the areas of: micromachining technologies, micromachined sensors, actuators, and MEMS; analog integrated circuits; implantable biomedical microsystems; micropackaging; and low-power wireless sensing/actuating systems.
Prof. Najafi has been active in the field of solid-state sensors and actuators since his time as a doctoral student at the University of Michigan in the 1980’s. He studied under Professor Emeritus Kensall D. Wise.
He has received numerous awards and recognitions, including the IEEE Daniel E. Noble Award for Emerging Technologies and the IEEE Sensors Technical Field Award. He received the U-M Distinguished University Innovator Award for his breakthrough technologies in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). He co-founded the startup companies ePack, Inc. and Integrated Sensing Systems. He served as Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering from 2008-2018.

Khalil Najafi’s research group, 2016